Anyone who knows me probably will tell you that, along with my self-diagnosed a.d.d., I am a
tad bit o.c.d. I'm not trying to make light of this very serious disease I know it is, truly, debilitating. However, it's the only thing I can come up with to describe how this monkey-mind of mine latches onto an idea or challenge and will not rest until I've accomplished it.
No matter what! For instance, cycling. Everyone thought I was crazy for wanting to schlepp myself, on a bicycle, across the state of Iowa during the hottest part of July! I'm now on bicycle number 2, a beaut of a Cannondale roadbike and just turned over 1500 miles on her. This July will make my fourth trip across the rolling hills (
Iowa isn't flat, people!) of Iowa, West to East!
Now, let's add to that. . .I'm a wife, working mother, over the age of 40 AND a person with Type 1 diabetes!
Jump forward to November 2009. . .standing in the kitchen of a friends house listening to them discuss the 2010 Indianapolis 500 mini marathon. Hmmmm? This is new. I've never been a runner. Heck, I don't even run if someone's chasing me. I'm a cyclist. Wheels are faster. I need to lose weight to be a runner. I don't have time to be a runner. Well, maybe I should try it. Maybe they would let someone dangle a Little Debbie Zebra cake in front of me along the route? That should spur me on. AAACCCK! Those blasted monkey's are at it again!!! So far, I'm up to 8 miles. I've only done it once and I didn't do it very fast. They Kenyan's need not worry about me! Tonite, I ran 5 miles and it almost killed me -
insert dramatic pause - ! That's it! I made it home and I have my ice pack on my thigh. Dinner is on the table and my family waits for me. I ran. I made it and I can do it. I've gotta find a cage for these crazy monkey's!