Anyone who knows me probably will tell you that, along with my self-diagnosed a.d.d., I am a tad bit o.c.d. I'm not trying to make light of this very serious disease I know it is, truly, debilitating. However, it's the only thing I can come up with to describe how this monkey-mind of mine latches onto an idea or challenge and will not rest until I've accomplished it. No matter what! For instance, cycling. Everyone thought I was crazy for wanting to schlepp myself, on a bicycle, across the state of Iowa during the hottest part of July! I'm now on bicycle number 2, a beaut of a Cannondale roadbike and just turned over 1500 miles on her. This July will make my fourth trip across the rolling hills (Iowa isn't flat, people!) of Iowa, West to East!
Now, let's add to that. . .I'm a wife, working mother, over the age of 40 AND a person with Type 1 diabetes!
Jump forward to November 2009. . .standing in the kitchen of a friends house listening to them discuss the 2010 Indianapolis 500 mini marathon. Hmmmm? This is new. I've never been a runner. Heck, I don't even run if someone's chasing me. I'm a cyclist. Wheels are faster. I need to lose weight to be a runner. I don't have time to be a runner. Well, maybe I should try it. Maybe they would let someone dangle a Little Debbie Zebra cake in front of me along the route? That should spur me on. AAACCCK! Those blasted monkey's are at it again!!! So far, I'm up to 8 miles. I've only done it once and I didn't do it very fast. They Kenyan's need not worry about me! Tonite, I ran 5 miles and it almost killed me - insert dramatic pause - ! That's it! I made it home and I have my ice pack on my thigh. Dinner is on the table and my family waits for me. I ran. I made it and I can do it. I've gotta find a cage for these crazy monkey's!
Fruit Punch
1 year ago
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