Monday, May 16, 2011

that's it. i finished! another item to check off of my bucket list. i'm not really sure running a half-marathon was actually ON my bucket list, but it's done none-the-less. and i feel good about it. nope. . .i feel GREAT about it! it's all i've talked about for the last 6 months. to anyone and everyone that would listen! (i'm sure they're just as glad as i am that it's over)

i ran to prove to myself that i could do it. that just because (and many of you may not know this) i am a person with type 1 diabetes on an insulin pump, this doesn't mean i am limited to what my body can do. i've struggled with acknowledging my disease for a long time. only a very tight circle know and i'm not one to discuss or complain about it. it is what it is. and here is why. . .

i was raised by two wonderful people who taught me to be strong, independent and self-supporting. but it was my mom who taught be how to deal with cards you're dealt and deal with them optimistically. no time to feel sorry for yourself. that doesn't accomplish anything. so, when i was diagnosed with the disease at the age of 21, her first question was, "where do we go from here?". and i followed her lead. we found a good doctor who started us out on the right path and we adjusted our lifestyle. i have never been a DIABETIC i've always been a PERSON WITH DIABETES. i'm not the poster-child for people with diabetes. oh heaven's no! but, i do my best. i have times when i fail. i fail miserably. but the times i've had that i have succeeded with diabetes far out-weigh them. i've ridden my bike across the state of iowa 5 times, i've been married to my wonderful husband for 17 years, i am the mother of a fantabulous son, AND i've completed my first half-marathon! run and tell that!

i can go on about my disease and how i deal with it. i can list the many times i've cursed it under my breathe. but, for now, let's just celebrate the fact that in spite of my disease i am still living my life to the fullest! i'm waiting anxiously for what comes next.